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Oncology | Oncologist in Sukth

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Klinika Kristi ofron konsulta me mjek onkolog në Sukth të specializuar në diagnostikimin dhe trajtimin e një shumëllojshmërie të madhe sëmundjesh kancerogjene. Mjekët tanë do të mund të diagnostikojnë llojin e kancerit me të cilin po përballeni përpara se të përcaktojnë planin më të përshtatshëm të trajtimit për ju. Gjatë konsultimit, ata do të diskutojnë përfitimet dhe efektet anësore të secilit opsion trajtimi, duke u ofruar pacientëve pamje të qartë të rezultateve të mundshme.

  • Specialized consultation with our oncologist
  • Echography
  • Mammography
  • Full-body CT
  • Specific tumor marker lab tests
  • Specialized treatments

Schedule an appointment with an oncologist in Sukth

Book a consultation +355 69 228 4275
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Why should you visit an oncologist at Kristi Clinic?

A modern medical clinic that guarantees:

Priority for the patient

Immediate medical service, no waiting in line!

Medical expertise

Personalized care by qualified doctors.


Fully maintaining our patients’ confidentiality.

Competitive prices

Affordable and transparent fees for every service.

Oncology Department

Cancer is a multifaceted illness, which is why our oncology department works to provide a wide variety of services for our patients. Our oncologists specialize in certain treatments and different kinds of cancer. Our comprehensive oncology services cover a range of specialties, including:

  • Surgical Oncology: If your biopsy confirms cancer, our surgical oncologist will perform a surgery to remove localized cancer. This involves excising the tumor and surrounding tissues while providing pre-operative and post-operative care.
  • Medical Oncology: Our medical oncologists use a variety of treatments to help cancer patients.
  • Radiation Oncology: Tailoring radiation therapy to your specific cancer is the expertise of our radiation oncologists.
  • Gynecologic Oncology: Our gynecologic oncologists specialize in the treatment of gynecologic cancers like cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancers.
  • Pediatric Oncology: For childhood-specific cancer types such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Ewing sarcoma, and childhood brain tumors, our pediatric oncologists offer their expertise.
  • Neurological Oncology: Patients with brain tumors and cancers affecting the nervous system receive specialized care from our neurological oncologists.
Onkologji - Mjek Onkolog ne Sukth.

What can you expect during your first visit to an oncologist?

If there’s a reason to believe that you might have cancer, we urge you to visit our medical clinic in Sukth for a consultation with our specialized oncologist. During this visit our oncologist will ask you about your medical history or any other prior surgeries you might have had. If you have a file with notes from your previous healthcare provider, our doctor will thoroughly review them.

We understand that such worries can be extremely anxiety-producing for you. It is important to remember that all types of cancers are best treated if diagnosed in time. Although the situation may be extremely confusing, know that there are no black and white answers. Each case is complex and specific to the patient. Our oncologists will make sure to properly assess your specific case and prepare the best treatment plan for you. We are here to answer all your concerns with great care. Do not neglect any symptoms and make sure to visit our clinic if you suspect you may be dealing with cancer, and we will guarantee the best possible care for you!

Why should you visit our oncologist?

If you have noticed a change in your body and you suspect there might be an oncological condition affecting you, we recommend that you schedule an appointment with our oncologist in Sukth. Remember that different types of cancers have different effects on your body. Only a specialized oncologist can perform the proper diagnostic test to accurately determine whether you are dealing with cancer or not. At our medical clinic you can perform all the necessary diagnostic tests using the latest equipment in the market. Your health is our number one priority!

Why should you choose Kristi Medical Clinic?

Kristi Clinic is a medical clinic in Sukth which guarantees specialized service for all types of health conditions. Here, you’ll find modern diagnostic equipment, a certified medical laboratory and a pharmacy equipped with medications tested and approved according to European protocols.

Initial consultation

Accurate diagnoses

Personalized treatment

6 Clinics in Albania

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